Flaga Eswatini

Flaga Eswatini, Flaga Eswatini
Współczynnik kształtu:
Symbol weksylologiczny:
Flaga służbowa i wojenna na lądzie
17.363 km²
siSwati i angielski
Lilangeni (SZL), Rand (ZAR)
Flaga przyjęta w dniu:

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Kompozytor: David Kenneth Rycroft Liryk: Andrease Enoke Fanyana Simelane

Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Eswatini

Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Eswatini
The flag of Eswatini consists of three evenly divided stripes in the national colors of blue, yellow and red. The flag was introduced in 1967 when the country changed its name from Swaziland to Eswatini. It symbolizes the unity of the country, which is composed of the traditional Nguni and Sotho peoples.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Eswatini
The national flag of Eswatini was introduced in 1968 and was the first flag of the country. It has a blue square in the upper left corner, which stands for the peace and stability of the country. In the center is a white five-pointed symbol representing the country's five governmental districts. In the lower right corner is a green stripe that stands for the natural beauty and richness of Eswatini's nature.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Eswatini
The national flag of Eswatini consists of a white triangle placed in the upper right corner. The rest of the flag is red with a black symbol in the center representing a white lion and a black spearhead. The flag symbolizes the struggle and unity of the country, as the lion represents strength and courage and the spear represents the will of the people.

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