Flaga Serbowie ("Serbja, Serby, Wenden")
Najlepszy sprzedawca w naszym flagowym sklepie

Serbien mit Wappen Flagge 60x90 cm
8,90 €
Pokaż w sklepie
Serbien mit Wappen kleine Aufnäher / Patch 4x6 cm
2,90 €
Pokaż w sklepie
Mile widziana jest grafika flagi, którą można wykorzystać. Proszę jednak o podanie linku do www.flagi-i-hymny.pl jako źródła.
Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Serbowie ("Serbja, Serby, Wenden")
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Serbowie ("Serbja, Serby, Wenden")
The historical flag of the Sorbs is a symbol of the culture, history and identity of the Serbian people. It is a symbol of solidarity and unity of the people and is often used on various occasions. It is also a symbol of cultural diversity and common history of the Sorbian culture.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Serbowie ("Serbja, Serby, Wenden")
The historical flag of the Sorbs (Serbja, Serby, Wends) is a symbol of the history and culture of the Sorbs. It consists of a white cross on a red background, which is a symbol of Christianity and freedom. The flag was first mentioned in 1250 and has been a symbol of Sorbian identity ever since. It is still used today as the official symbol of the Sorbian people.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Serbowie ("Serbja, Serby, Wenden")
The historical flag of Sorbs (Serbja, Serby, Wends) is a white square with a red cross in the center. The cross has a black border and four arms of the same size. The four ends of the cross are each decorated with a golden star. The flag is a symbol of Sorbian culture and has been used since the 11th century. It is a symbol of the national identity of the Sorbs and stands for freedom, autonomy and solidarity.
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