Flaga Bochum
Najlepszy sprzedawca w naszym flagowym sklepie
Bochum Aufkleber 8 x 5 cm
0,70 €
Pokaż w sklepieBochum Stadt Flagge 90x150 cm (E)
9,90 €
Pokaż w sklepie
Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Bochum
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Bochum
The flag of the city of Bochum is a symbol of the city and represents its identity. It was officially introduced in 2002 and is a combination of the colors red, white and green. The flag is ubiquitous as a symbol of the city of Bochum and is used both on municipal buildings and at events.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Bochum
The city of Bochum has a long history regarding the flag. Since the year 1831, a coat of arms was used, which is the current coat of arms of Bochum. In 1950 the flag of the city of Bochum was officially adopted. It consists of a black and a white half separated by a red cross. The black half represents the mining history of the city, while the white half stands for the unity of the people of Bochum.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Bochum
The flag of the city of Bochum is a black-white-red triangle with a white cross in the upper right quadrant. The black-white-red triangle represents the colors of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The white cross is a symbol of the Christian tradition of the city of Bochum. It is also a symbol of the unity and solidarity of the citizens of Bochum.
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