Flaga Helgoland

Najlepszy sprzedawca w naszym flagowym sklepie

Helgoland Pin

Helgoland Pin

2,50 €

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Helgoland Stockflagge 30x45 cm

Helgoland Stockflagge 30x45 cm

4,99 €

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Wiedza podstawowa

Flaga Helgolandu jest w poziome pasy w kolorach zielonym, czerwonym i białym.Helgoland (dolnoniemieckie dla Ziemi Świętej, fryzyjskie i Halunder (Deät) Lun lub Hålilönj, angielskie Heligoland) należy do Szlezwiku-Holsztynu, powiat Pinneberg.

Kolory mają następujące znaczenie: "GrĂĽn ist das Land, rot ist die Kant (czerwony to mur), weiĂ ist der Sand, das sind die Farben von Helgoland. "W języku dolnoniemieckim: "Grön is dat Land, rot is de Kant, witt is de Sand, dat sĂĽnd de Farven vun't hilly Land".

Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Helgoland

Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Helgoland
The flag of the city of Helgoland in the country of Germany is a symbol of autonomy and independence of the city. It was introduced in 1867 and is a mixture of the colors red-white-blue. It also shows the city's coat of arms, which includes a crown, a sword and an anchor.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Helgoland
The flag of Helgoland is a white and red flag with a black cross in the middle. It was introduced in 1867 as a symbol for the town of Helgoland and has been an important symbol for the island ever since. The flag has been changed several times over the years, but the original flag still remains. Today, the flag of Helgoland is a symbol of cohesion and belonging of the residents to their hometown.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Helgoland
The flag of the city of Helgoland in the country of Germany is a horizontal square flag. It consists of a red background and a white vertical bar in the middle. The white bar is divided into two halves by a black curved band. The upper part of the white bar is decorated with a black and red coat of arms. On the coat of arms there is a red cross surrounded by a silver fish. The lower part of the white bar is blank.

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