Flaga Seattle
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Wiedza podstawowa
Flaga Seattle (stan Washignton, USA) jest biało-chmurna, niebiesko-zielona, z białym logo miasta Seattle w centrum i napisem "City of Goodwill" z płynącymi falami w lewym górnym rogu.
Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Seattle
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Seattle
The flag of the city of Seattle is a symbol of the city's history and culture. It was adopted in 1990 and is a symbol of the city's diversity and impact on the world. It is also used as a symbol of citizen cooperation and commitment to the city.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Seattle
The flag of the city of Seattle was first introduced in 1901. It features a dark blue representing Puget Sound, a white cross representing the Pacific coast, and a green cloth representing the region's forests. The flag is a symbol of the city's history and culture, and is widely considered one of the most beautiful flags in the United States.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Seattle
The flag of the city of Seattle in the country United States of America (USA) consists of a white square containing a blue six-pointed star banner. In the center of the star banner is a white circle containing a green eagle, a red sun and a blue wave. The eagle symbolizes strength, the red sun represents the sunrise and the blue wave represents Puget Sound. In addition, the flag features four white stars at the corners of the square, representing Seattle's founding years.
Odkryj coś nowego
Losowe flagi z naszej dużej bazy danych flag. Pozwól, że cię zaskoczymy.