Flaga Cojedes
Mile widziana jest grafika flagi, którą można wykorzystać. Proszę jednak o podanie linku do www.flagi-i-hymny.pl jako źródła.
Oto co ChatGPT wie o fladze Cojedes
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja mówi o fladze Cojedes
The flag of the state of Cojedes in Venezuela consists of a light blue background with a white five-pointed star in the center. The star symbolizes the five municipalities of the state. Below the star is a red band representing the unity of the state. At the bottom of the flag is white lettering that includes the words "Estado Cojedes", which means "Federal State of Cojedes" in Spanish.
Oto, co sztuczna inteligencja wie o historii flagi Cojedes
The flag of the state of Cojedes in Venezuela was officially introduced on August 14, 2009. It consists of two horizontal stripes in the colors yellow and green, separated by a white cross. In the center of the cross is the coat of arms of the state, which represents a sun and a water wheel.
Oto jak sztuczna inteligencja opisuje flagę Cojedes
The flag of the state of Cojedes in Venezuela is blue and white. In the center of the flag there is a red cross surrounded by a golden circle. At each of the four corners of the flag there is a white star.
Państwa federalne
Odkryj coś nowego
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